Why do I feel so much more homesick at Christmas? What is it about the holidays that makes me long for my mama’s hot chocolate? Why do I want to argue about ornaments with my sister, or to sit on my own sofa and watch Christmas movies next to my tree?
Maybe it’s knowing that this year I won’t be able to do my usual Christmasy traditions that makes it a little tougher. Maybe it’s because it has been 4 1/2 months and I just want to go home already. Living out of plastic bins can be a little exhausting.
When most of your city and surrounding suburbs flooded, there are not enough workers to go around. Four months later and people are still displaced. Out of all my friends and family who flooded, only a few of them are living in their unfinished homes.
Many are like me, living crowded together with friends or family. Others are surviving in RVs or FEMA trailers, trying to make the best of things. We celebrate the little victories of slow progress – I finally have insulation and sheetrock installed!! Yay!
God is good, even when times are tough. Not only is He good, He provides. He gives us strength to endure and people to encourage us. I’d love to share some of the ways my spirits have been lifted this Christmas.
I was disappointed to not be able to decorate a tree this year. So, I decided to put a small one in my speech room. Thanks to The Dabbling Speechie, we turned it into a therapy project. My students filled it with speech ornaments and had a blast. New speech room tradition – check!
Speaking of trees, my godson and his family put a tiny tree in their flooded house. Look at that smile! I’m so thankful they are making the best of a “different” Christmas.
Do you and your family like to drive around and look at Christmas lights? Around here, there aren’t too many homes with big light displays to see this year. But out of all the decorations, there is something about the ones on FEMA trailers that make my heart smile.
Last night, I drove to my house to check my mail like I do every day. On the front porch was a large package. When I opened it, my eyes welled up with tears.
A 5th and 6th grade girl’s Bible study group from Georgia collected donations and gifts for the people who flooded in our church. We’ve never even met these sweet girls. Thanks to them, I know some little kids who will be having a great Christmas! I can’t wait to play Santa and deliver these!!
Even though it’s been hard to not be home, I am thankful to the Lord for this trial. Through it, I get to see Him and serve His people in a way that I normally don’t get to. My soul fills with hope seeing the strength of a struggling person’s spirit and the kindness of a stranger’s heart.
Although I know Christmas can be hard for many people for lots of different reasons, I pray that each of you, dear readers, will be encouraged this Christmas. May the Lord fill all of you with a joy that only He can give. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me to you! xoxo
Merry Christmas, sweet girl. I had no idea you were still displaced. may your next Christmas be twice as special and in the comfort of your own home.
Thanks so much Kayla!! Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂
Hey Lauren! Thanks for sharing your trial and your heart. So thankful for your wisdom and graceful spirit. You have encouraged me a lot to turn to God just in your example in Christ. Hope you find some joy in this season!
Thank you so much! I you and your family have a very Merry Christmas too! Love ya girl!
Love you friend! Thank you for sharing your heart and for reminding us again of God’s amazing provision <3
Love you too friend! A very merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
Beautiful!!! God is good and right there with you, I have been praying here in WI for you all.
Thank you Carrie! That means a lot!
Well said, Lauren!! God has graced you with so much wisdom and a gift to be able to communicate it to others exactly at the right time!! Love you, my sweet friend and Merry Chisristmas!