If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I’ve been giving my speech room a makeover. It was bad, y’all. It needed purging and re-organizing like nobody’s business. I am happy to report that it’s finally done in a workable state. Is any organizing ever completely done? I did learn a few lessons and maybe some secret hacks… Read More
7 Ways Beat Burnout and Handle Stress for Educators
The other day I sat down to update my to-do list at work. It kept getting longer and longer. When I sat back and realized how much I had to do, all the kids I had to see, and the deadlines that were looming, I started to feel that panic rise up. This is called stress. It’s a stressful time… Read More
When You’re Displaced At Christmas…
Why do I feel so much more homesick at Christmas? What is it about the holidays that makes me long for my mama’s hot chocolate? Why do I want to argue about ornaments with my sister, or to sit on my own sofa and watch Christmas movies next to my tree? Maybe it’s knowing that this year I won’t be… Read More
Mind Your Manners
It’s February. The beginning of the slow downhill slope to the end of the school year. However, my kids are anything but slow-moving these days. Lately they’ve been being little turkeys – constantly “forgetting” the rules, interrupting one another, and speaking not-so-kindly to their friends. And it’s not just my pragmatic kids, y’all. Mid-year they are all a little too… Read More
5 Ways to Stay Motivated at the End of the Year!
The school year is winding down, but it seems like everything else is rising and piling up – stacks of paper, stress levels, blood pressure, evals, meetings, to do lists. And don’t forget the cabin fever, for students and faculty. The only thing that is not rising right now is my energy level. I have so much to do, but… Read More
Chicken Soup for the Soul Blog Hop!
I hope you have been filling up on sweet stories that are sure to make you laugh or cry. Everyone needs a little inspirational posts once in a while, especially in our field. I’m so thankful for all these amazing bloggers that are willing to give you a peek into their wonderful terrible speechie experiences. Here’s another story that I’m… Read More
A Peek at My Speech Room!
I love decorating and making things pretty. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty much a professional shower-giver. If you are getting married or having a baby, I’m your girl to give you a cutesie party. 🙂 I try to put this to good use in my speech room too. Every couple of years I like to change up… Read More
Encouraging Words for Discouraging Days
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” ~Col. 3:23-24 Life can be hard. Work is hard. This is time of year that things usually begin to snowball for us SLPs. Progress reports, evals, RtI, Medicaid,… Read More
10 Speechie Resolutions
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here marks the start of another page in the book called 2014. Woop woop! At the start of a new year, people traditionally set resolutions or goals of what they hope to accomplish. Despite the fact that probably 99.8% of resolutions do not actually get achieved, here are a few more anyway – speech style! 🙂 Resolved… Read More
Edublog Finalists!
Last week, something super cool happened. The edublog nominations were short-listed and the finalists were announced. And guess what?! Lots of SLP blogs made the cut! It’s so exciting to know that our profession and blogs are recognized as playing an important part of the education community. 🙂 Danielle over at Sublime Speech even nominated my blog for the Most… Read More