A super common preschool or kindergarten goal for my students is spatial concepts (and also object functions and action verbs). To teach a skill effectively, you want to be confident in the why and how of what you’re doing, right? Today, we’re chatting about the benefits of teaching spatial concepts and a few quick tips on how to do it!… Read More
8 Easy Low-Cost Winter Activities for Speech Therapy
When the air is chilly outside and the kids are cooped up inside, I try to pull out all the creative winter activities for speech therapy to make it a little more fun. I do my best to make our sessions as interactive and engaging as possible this time of year. Doing fun, interactive games with your students doesn’t have… Read More
Free Fun and Engaging Printable Goal Setting Activities for Students
Let’s talk about some easy goal setting activities for students! We know that every student who walks through the door of our speech room has a communication goal… or two or five. From the student’s perspective, their goals aren’t always clear to them. Many think they’re coming to speech to play. As adults, we often set goals for ourselves like… Read More
No Fail, Quick and Easy Spring Ideas for Speech Therapy
When March rolls around, so do the referrals and deadlines and everything else. The last thing this SLP has time for is planning for therapy. This is the time for quick and easy spring speech therapy ideas that’ll keep everyone engaged. Well, I’ve got you. Here are my favorite no-fail, easy-to-implement spring speech therapy ideas to get you through the… Read More
20 Easy to Grab Toys to Target Core Words in Speech Therapy
Let’s chat core words, ya’ll! *This post contains Amazon affiliate links. When working with preverbal students who are just learning to communicate, it’s not always easy to know where to begin. If you wade through the research, you’ll probably learn that the core vocabulary approach is one of the most effective ways to help early communicators get their messages across! Check… Read More
Preschool Language Goals: How to Effectively Teach Functions of Objects
One of my most common preschool language goals in speech therapy is object functions. In order to teach a skill effectively, you want to be really confident in the why and how of what you’re doing, right? Today, we’re chatting about the benefits of teaching functions and a few quick tips on how to do it! WHY TARGET OBJECT FUNCTIONS… Read More
Group Speech Therapy Activities for Preschool that are Easy and Engaging
Effective group speech therapy activities are always hard to come by, but trying to deliver group therapy to preschoolers adds a whole new level of difficulty. Whether you are doing group therapy in your speech room or pushing into the regular class, it’s not easy. Today, let’s chat about a few tips and activities you can do with your preschoolers… Read More
Group Speech Therapy: Fast & Easy Ways to Target Multiple Goals
One of the main things that school SLPs struggle with is being effective in group speech therapy sessions. We’ve all been there. How are we supposed to keep up with everyone’s goals, make sure the students are engaged, and take all the data at the same time? I think the difficulties of group speech therapy come down to those three… Read More
How to teach action verbs in preschool speech therapy
One of the most common goals that I see in my preschoolers is identifying action verbs. This isn’t surprising. They need to understand actions before they are able to follow directions, give a command, or put sentences together. Understanding how to teach action verbs to young children can be kind of tricky. If you show your student the same picture… Read More
10 Fun and Easy Fall Speech Therapy Ideas for Preschool
Looking for some easy fall speech therapy ideas? Welp, it’s that time of year. Goodbye, summer. Hello, pumpkin spice everything. It’s finally fall. Down here in the south, it means that we can actually go outside without passing out. The kids can tell the weather is nicer too and often itch to go play outside. Luckily, I’ve got 10 perfect… Read More