As you might already know, I LOVE using Biscuit books with my preschoolers and young elementary kids. The pictures are great for vocabulary, simple inferencing, and asking questions. A couple months ago, I posted some freebies for Happy Halloween Biscuit. Today, I want to share with you how I useBiscuit’s Christmas Eve! I put velcro in this book as well… Read More
I Spy Christmas Freebie!
How many of you play I spy or use the I Spy books in your speech room? We love I Spy in my room! I’ve been trying to collect some of the books in the last couple of years, but they can be pretty pricey. Since I mostly use it with my artic kids, sometimes it takes too long for them… Read More
Apraxia Packet for Early Sounds
I am so excited about this packet! It’s taken me a while to put together, but it’s finally finished! After completing the Apraxia Packet for Later Sounds, I got some great feedback from several therapists as to how they address apraxia in younger students. I also had some awesome proofers for this packet that gave me some great suggestions (ahem… Read More
A Peek At My TPT Wishlist
In case you haven’t heard yet, tomorrow is Cyber Monday! For speechies and teachers that means you can get up to 28% off at Teachers Pay Teachers. Exciting right?! Who doesn’t love a sale? π Plus, I’m all about supporting small businesses. So needless to say, I have stocked up my wishlist with tons of my favorite goodies made by… Read More
Adjetivos Remix App Review
It’s been so exciting to see all the fun holiday freebie posts! Thanks to everyone who has linked up so far! π Today, I’m reviewing a Spanish app! Smarty ears was awesome and donated a copy of Adjetivos Remix for me to review; however, all of the opinions in this post are my own. I used this app all… Read More
DIY Thanksgiving Speech Trees
It was craft day today in the speech room. We got out the crayons and scissors and made a cutesie little Thanksgiving speech tree. It came out awesome, if I may say so myself. I showed it to our secretary, and she even wanted to set out in the front office to give our little speechies some recognition. π Here… Read More
Thanksgiving Pie Vocabulary
Are y’all fans of pies as much as I am? It’s a weakness, unfortunately. My favorites are pumpkin and apple…with homemade whipped cream on top. Ok now I’m getting hungry. Lol. When I saw this clipart, I just couldn’t pass it up. It was just begging to be turned into a fun little game for my kiddos. My third graders… Read More