School starts back in 3 days for me…3! This TPT sale came at the perfect time for me to fill my cart with goodies! Four times a year, TPT puts on a sale where you can get up to 28% off products. Use the promo code BTS15 at checkout for this one.
I’m linking up with Jenna at Speech Room News to share a few of my new products and show you what I’m purchasing!
Here are a few things you might need from my store!
1. Back-to-School Baseline Data Tool for Articulation
I’m so excited to show you my newest download that will make starting the school year super easy! It’s really simple and straightforward and doesn’t require colored ink!
Get your fluency kids started off on the right track this year with their very own interactive binder. It’s perfect for the beginning of the year!
3. Literary Detectives: Text Analysis for Speech Therapy
This is one of my favorite products that I’ve made. It’s a staple in my speech room and I know your students will love it too!
Now…here are a few things from other sellers that are in my cart waiting to be purchased!
1. Prompts on a Stick from the Peachie Speechie
2. Fall Preschool Learning Through Play from Jenna.
3. Speech and Language Flipbooks from Nicole.
Hope you can use some of these products as well! Visit Teachers Pay Teachers August 3 and 4 to check out the sale!
Did you ever do a post on your Interactive Fluency Binder? I’d love to hear your ideas on how to implement it! I bought it when it first came out but struggled with implementing it with a student and would appreciate some direction. Thanks!!!
Hi Sue! I’ve been working on an Interactive Articulation Binder, so I was waiting to post on them together. It should be up later this month or the beginning of next. So, look for a post then! In the mean time, I’d be happy to bounce some ideas around if you need to! Email me at Thanks!