How do you like to keep track of your paperwork and keep your speechie self organized? Do you use a computer-based calendar? A fancy expensive planner? A TPT product? Your phone? Post-it notes scattered all over your desk? I think I’ve probably used all of the above in the past. For some reason I keep going back to good old… Read More
To-Do List Stickers!! {FREEBIE}
As SLPs I think it’s safe to say that we are all familiar with the list. We make list of kids, a list of reasons why, a list of supplies, or especially a to-do list. Though actually doing the things on the list isn’t always the most fun part of my day, it definitely helps if the list is bright… Read More
I’m Obsessed with Washi Tape
When I first saw washi tape I was kind of confused. I didn’t understand what exactly you were supposed to do with it, but I knew I loved all of the fun designs and colors. Since then, I’ve discovered SO many ways to dress things up with washi tape. I’ve been sticking it all over the place lol. Check out… Read More
Love It & List It Organization!
I’m linking up with Jenna over at Speech Room News for her Love it and List it Linky! This month’s topic is organization, so be sure to head over to SRN and check out all of the fabulous posts. If you follow my blog, you may have seen some of my organization posts from last month. Check out 5 organizing… Read More
Planners Galore!
It’s August. Everyone is gearing up for back to school and trying to get organized. It’s so hard sometimes to find a decent way to keep your paperwork easily accessible. Usually, I end up with random piles all over my desk. Well, I think this planner is sure to help out a little! I know several sellers have cute planners out… Read More
Data, Data, Data!!
We all have to do it. It’s time-consuming, boring, and I’d rather spend my time doing actual therapy. However, taking solid, accurate data is important for several reasons: It helps us know where exactly our students stand in achieving their goals. It helps us better plan our therapy sessions. If we know exactly what they can do, we aren’t guestimating… Read More
5 Organizing Essentials for Your Speech Room
Let’s face it. We all wish could be more organized. Even the most organized people I know are constantly looking for ways to change and revamp their systems. For me, organization (especially at work) just makes me breathe easier. Yes, you can have a method to your madness or an “organized” mess and still be a fantastic therapist! However, here… Read More
Therapy Organization Planners & Binders
So I am totally one of those people with great organizational ambitions. At the beginning of the school year everything is nice and neat and organized. As the year moves along, piles begin to form and papers begin to stack up. I look around and things are a little out of place aren’t so organized anymore pretty much a wreck. This… Read More
Helloooo Summer!
My summer vacay has officially begun. We school system workers love our summers. It’s so nice to take a much-needed break from the busy life and relax a little. Well, scratch that. Maybe I’ll be taking a break from work but absolutely NOT taking a break from being busy. Do your summers stay as packed and crazy as mine?? Seriously,… Read More
Have a Look Around!
Hey y’all! I’m so glad you came to visit my new blog! My name is Lauren, and I am a SLP down in South Louisiana. First, let me just say that I am extremely blessed. The school where I work and my administration are A-Mazing! It’s a brand-new school, and they let me have my very own speech classroom all… Read More