I’m so excited to share this new product with you. It’s something that has been super fun for the kids and helpful for me to make the best use of my time. Enter: Articulation Task Cards!
Disclaimer: This post may contain Amazon-affiliate links for your convenience
Several of my teacher friends use task cards as early finisher activities in their classrooms. Whenever a student finishes an assignment early, they just head to the card holder, grab a deck, and get to work! I thought these would be great to implement in my speech room as well…not necessarily as an early finisher activity, but for anything!
I set out to make cutesie decks for articulation and loved them so much that I’m in the process of making decks for Common Core-based language skills and fluency skills as well! So stay tuned! 🙂
Check out my artic decks!
These are for later sounds and were made for kids that read, so there is just text on these cards. There are 16 cards for each of these sounds: R, S, L, Sh, Ch, J, Th, and a generic deck that can be used for any sounds. There are 128 cards included in all plus deck covers for each!
Each sound deck includes 4 different activities: movement, spelling, spontaneous sentences, and story telling. The generic deck includes all sorts of different activities that are fun and engaging for the students.
These decks are great for independent practice in between turns during group therapy, to use as an articulation center, or even to use during quick drill activities. I love them for carry-over practice too. You can grab these at my TPT store HERE!!
I also wanted something cute to organize them all in my room. After scouring pinterest for a while, I found that several teacher blogs have such fun ideas for holding them. This one uses a flip flop holder, which you can grab on Amazon (like this one
Closet Skinnies Bronze Flip Flop Hanger by Beehive) or from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
If you know me, then you know that I love to craft. Sooo I was all set to make one of my own. I attempted this one out of wires, ribbons, and clothespins:
It was cute and worked for a bit, but the decks kind of slipped off the clothespins, or the clothespins would slip down the ribbon sometimes. I decided to admit FAIL lol. So, I just bit the bullet went for the flip flop holder with sturdy hooks! 🙂
Much sturdier for sure, even though you can only fit 6 decks at a time. 🙂 Anywho…I’m loving these decks and I hope you will too!
PS I’ve also recently made some Fluency Task Cards which you can check out HERE!
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