Do you ever just need to gather some quick data? Usually around progress report time or when I go to write a new IEP, I want to make sure and probe my kiddos to get the most current data on them.
Soooo I developed these quick probes to help me with my little ones. They have been a big help, especially since I have so many kindergarteners on my caseload this year! Check out Preschool Quick Probes.
This packet comes with 6 slides that address functions, categories, basic concepts (levels 1 and 2), associations, and prepositions.
You can either use this by printing out the slides as cards or by pulling up the file on your iPad and using it that way. ๐
There are specific directions and how-to prompts for each task. Since most of my little ones have similar goals, these were perfect!
Grab this pack at my TPT store for FREE!! Yay! I love feedback, so be sure and let me know what you think. ๐
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