Joining up with Speech Room News today and sharing some of my favorite language apps to use in therapy.
Here are the apps that I’ve used and liked the most (in no particular order):
1. Language Empires – This app is really good for groups. It targets 8 different goals such as figurative language, vocabulary, predicting, sequencing, inferencing, and how/which/why questions.
2. Describe It to Me – This app allows you to work on receptive or expressive language focusing on the ever-important vocabulary development. Love that I can use this with my EET as well!
3. Pocket Lexi – This one contains interactive ebooks that target specific language skills. You can find books that target figurative language, comprehension, vocabulary, adjectives, prepositions, and more. I always like using books in therapy, and this just makes it easy.
4. Question Sleuth – This is a super fun app that the kids love. It’s great to practice asking and answering questions, categories, attributes, functions, articulation, or whatever! You can create and customize it as you need as well.
What are some of your favorite apps? Be sure and head over to Speech Room News to check out all of the link ups!
I’m so glad you linked up! THose apps are fantastic!