So I took a little bloggy break last week, but I’m back! I’m so excited to show you my latest download. I’ve had several requests for it, so I’m hoping you’ll love it too! π
Many of you have purchased my Don’t Break the Ice Articulation pack. I’m hoping your kids have had as much fun with it as mine. π They ask to play it a lot! From preK to 5th grade – they ALL ask. Lol. If you aren’t familiar with how I adapted this game, please see this post.
Here is Don’t Break the Ice – PreK style!! It includes visuals for the early developing sounds. Take a looksy!
The pictures are tiny because the ice cubes on the game are tiny. They still work perfectly to me. This packet includes pictures for the following sounds: /m, b, p, t, d, n, w, h, k, g, f/. This pack would also benefit your early elementary kids who still need to work on these sounds.
I’ve also included a picture key for each sound at the bottom of the page. This will be a great addition for my little bitty kiddies!
Articulation isn’t the only thing you can work on with this game. You can use these pictures to practice describing, vocabulary, categories, same/different, etc. Sort them however you wish! π
I’ve also created a Sight Word edition for Don’t Break the Ice. Check it out!
It includes Dolche sight words for pre-primer, primer, first grade, second grade, and third grade. This would be a great way to practice reading their sight words at home.
You can grab any of these three packs at my TPT store! Click on the links to find them: Articulation pack, PreK pack, Sight Word pack.
Some of you were also asking how I organize all of these little cards, since there are SO many. π
Weeelll, I get those small snack size ziplock bags and label each sound on the bag with a sharpie. I separate all of the cards into each bag. That way, I can quickly pull the sounds I need for that group. Since the words are different colors based on sounds, the kids know which color is theirs, and they are responsible for putting all of their sounds back into the designated baggie before they leave speech.
I keep all of these bags in a large gallon size ziplock with the instructions inside.
What do y’all think? Do you play this game in your speech rooms?
**I’m also ready to give a copy of ALL 3 packs to a follower to be chosen at random. Just comment below to enter, and I’ll pick a winner tomorrow! π Good luck!
Looks like a great articulation pack! Fun stuff!
Wow, what a fantastic idea!! My kids love to play this game so I can only imagine what an even better tool it’ll become with these target cards. Thanks for sharing your creativity!!
Love the Don’t Break the Ice game. A cute way to use it in therapy π
This is great!!! I have the first pack and absolutely love it! My students ask for it all if the time! I am so excited for these, especially the preschool one! Thank you for creating them!!!
Great idea! I need to get this game out and use it!
This is an awesome activity. I know my kiddos would enjoy these activities.
This would be great. We play this game all the time. Nice way to change it up
I am cutting out the original version right now! Would love to add these variations to my collection! So glad you decided to add these! Well Done!
What a fun and creative idea! Thanks for sharing.
Hey! My random number generator picked your number!! Send an email to to get your packets! π
These look great! And…I just bought “Don’t Break the Ice!”
I have been on the lookout for the game Don’t Break the Ice at Thrift stores just so I have an excuse to get your Artic Pack. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Love-love-love this game! I can get so many reps of sounds with it. Thanks for sharing!!
Who doesn’t love break the ice – fabulous idea.
These look awesome and they would come in soo handy with my daughter. Great job at creating them.
I’ve gotta tell you: the kids LOVE to play “Don’t Break the Ice”, but I don’t play it too often.
What a great idea! I definitely will need to get this game!
This looks so fun! can’t wait to try them with my preschoolers!!!
This looks great and fun for the kids!!
These are awesome!! Thanks so much for doing all of the hard work for me! π
Kids learn best when they are active. This Don’t Break the Ice activity will add just the right twist to artic practice!