OK, I admit it. I actually love back-to-school season. I know it’s the end of summer, and most people dread giving up their freedom and heading back to the speech therapy classroom. And, yes, I do too. But there’s something about the combination of school supplies, new tote bags, and a fresh start that excites me. Once the bell rings… Read More
Speech Room Organization: Dos & Don’ts
If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that I’ve been giving my speech room a makeover. It was bad, y’all. It needed purging and re-organizing like nobody’s business. I am happy to report that it’s finally done in a workable state. Is any organizing ever completely done? I did learn a few lessons and maybe some secret hacks… Read More
SLP Planner Video Tutorial: Create your perfect speech planner
Are you a paper and pencil type of planner girl? Or maybe you’re more green and go the digital route. Personally, I’m a little bit of both! I like to have parts of my planner on paper and parts of my planner digitally. Note: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Today, I’m super excited to show you how I make… Read More
5 Ways to Make the Most of Summer for Educators
It’s finally summer! All the kids piled on the buses and waived goodbye. We blew bubbles, gave hugs, and said, “Have a great summer!” We packed up our now quiet classrooms (or closets) and drove off into the sunset. Finally! But what will we do with all this “free” time that always seems to fly by? Here are 5 ways… Read More
7 Ways Beat Burnout and Handle Stress for Educators
The other day I sat down to update my to-do list at work. It kept getting longer and longer. When I sat back and realized how much I had to do, all the kids I had to see, and the deadlines that were looming, I started to feel that panic rise up. This is called stress. It’s a stressful time… Read More
Tackle Behavior Challenges Like a Boss
Defiance. Anger. Fits. Aggression. Do you ever feel like it’s hard to know what to do when kids are acting out? Do you ignore them? Bribe them? Argue with them? One thing we definitely don’t want to do is give up on them. Obviously, there are many many different specific reasons and situations kids demonstrate challenging behaviors. Here are the overall… Read More
5 Easy Ways to Make the Most of Your Interactive Binders!
I’m all about making my busy SLP life more manageable. Let’s talk about some easy tips to help you make the most of those interactive binders in your speech therapy sessions! Interactive Binders vs. Interactive Notebooks First things first. What’s the deal with all of these interactive materials? Are interactive binders and notebooks the same thing? Will they work for… Read More
Top 10 Best Tote Bags for SLPs
Confession: I buy a new tote bag for work every school year. Maybe it stems from childhood and buying a new backpack for school. I love a good tote, especially for work. The difference between a good and a bad one can make all the difference in the world. And if you have a heck of a long commute and… Read More
5 Secrets to Taking Great Baseline Data in Speech Therapy
At the beginning of every school year, I like to take mass baselines for all of my students so that I have a good clean idea on where they are toward meeting the goals set for them on their IEPs. Maybe they had a summer miracle or maybe they’ve regressed a little. Today I’m going to show you 5 secrets… Read More
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