Need some gingerbread speech therapy ideas? Around the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I seriously have to pump up my therapy game. Antsy kiddos and stressed teachers this time of year make engagement in speech a little challenging. I always start December by pulling out the gingerbread theme in speech therapy. Here are a few quick ideas for all things… Read More
St. Patrick’s Day Speech Therapy Ideas
If you are needing a few St. Patrick’s Day speech therapy ideas, I’ve got a few surprisingly simple ones for you! Here are 8 fun and easy ways to incorporate St. Patrick’s Day into your speech therapy sessions. (Includes Amazon affiliate links for convenience). 1. Green “Soup” Gather green items from around your room and place them where the child… Read More
How to Target Core Words in Speech Therapy (part 1)
Implementing core words in speech therapy is a widely-known, research-based practice among SLPs. Teaching these words to students with expressive language deficits is highly effective because: Core words are much more versatile than concrete nouns. You need fewer words to be an effective communicator when using core vocabulary. Because core words lend themselves to forming phrases easily, it creates more… Read More
Speech Therapy Sensory Bins
Get the most out of your speech therapy sensory bins with these great tips!