The school year is winding down, but it seems like everything else is rising and piling up – stacks of paper, stress levels, blood pressure, evals, meetings, to do lists. And don’t forget the cabin fever, for students and faculty. The only thing that is not rising right now is my energy level. I have so much to do, but do I feel like doing any of it? Nope. It’s about this time that I start to get burnt out. I just want to lay my head on my desk and sleep! I hate that feeling. I hate feeling like I’m draaaggging.
Today, I’m going to share with you a few tips that I use to cure the end of the year blues. Or maybe just reading this post will even perk you up a little!
1. Give yourself a pep talk
Sometimes you just gotta give yourself a kick in the pants. I go through lots of spells where I’m uninspired or feeling exhausted. Set aside some time and give yourself a good talking to. Pray. Read your Bible or a devotional. Look up some inspirational quotes or videos. Telling yourself “just do it” is one thing. Hearing or reading other people say it is something else. For some reason it helps to have others tell it to you.
Check out quotes like this:
Have kid president pep it up for you:
2. Turn on some music
I don’t know about you, but just a little background music can go a long way. It doesn’t necessarily have to be hard rock or super upbeat to keep you going. Sometimes just hearing your favorite song and singing along can boost your mood. I like to listen to Adele radio station on Pandora while I do my paperwork. It’s usually a good mixture of slow and peppy. Or go with an instrumental station if you singing is too distracting. Most kids work well with soft music playing too! 🙂
3. Make yourself take breaks and regroup
If I have to be in my classroom or at my desk in front of my computer for too long, I go a little stir crazy. Get out of your room and go make a copy or go freshen up in the restroom. Do therapy outside or in the hallway. We know all too well how important it is for our students to take breaks. Sometimes their SLP needs them too.
4. Pretty up your to-do lists
Do you get excited about pretty printables as much as I do? I love a cutesy list with little boxes all ready to be checked off. It’s such a good feeling to be able to check things off your list.
I have these to-do list stickers that are handy for your planner.
I also LOVE these weekly to-do lists from Blair Turner Paper! Check them out!
5. Laugh
Are you feeling a little overwhelmed…maybe even bordering on depressed? Let’s face it, sometimes our job is tough. We have to wear a lot of hats (understatement) and take on a lot of extra responsibilities (double understatement). When you get to your breaking point, just take a minute. Look for something good in the situation. Find something to laugh about. It’s a medicine that can heal your overwhelmed heart.
Grab a coworker and laugh at something funny that your student said. Kids are always cracking me up at work. Check out some of those silly speechie memes online. Sublime Speech is great at those and they’re sure to keep you laughing. Here’s her latest one:
Do you do any of those things on my list to stay motivated? What else helps you this time of year?
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